Hi Kevin,

I believe the breadCrumb component displays current path down the hierarchy
of the MenuModel.  It does not replicate the browser history from your back
button's menu.


On 7/25/07, Kevin R. Gutch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok Thanks for the information!

Simon Lessard wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> You can also set the breadcrumb with a MenuModel object set as the
> breadcrumb's value and a nodeStamp facet. If you want to have the
> breadcrumb display the real navigation the user made you'll have to
> create your own implementation of MenuModel for that purpose and it
> will most likely requires a PhaseListener as well to register the
> visited viewIds. That being said, this request was made quite often
> and I think we should consider adding such an implementation directly
> in Trinidad for future releases.
> Regards,
> ~ Simon
> On 7/25/07, *Kevin R. Gutch* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     Can the Trinidad breadcrumb component dynamically display a
>     based on navigation or must a breadcrumb be hard coded? The example
>     have seen seems to only show
>     tr:commandNavigationItem  inside the breadcrumb component.
>     <tr:breadCrumbs orientation="vertical">
>                 <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Table Demo"
>     action="guide.table"/>
>                 <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Tree Demo"
>     action="guide.tree"/>
>                 <tr:commandNavigationItem text="PanelPage Demo"
>     action="guide.panelPage"/>
>                 <tr:commandNavigationItem text="BreadCrumbs Demo"
>     action="guide.breadCrumbs"/>
>     Thanks,
>     Kevin

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