On 7/27/07, Graeme Steyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently looking at introducing some form of conversation state
> management into an existing Trinidad-1.2.1/Facelets-1.1.12 web application
> that currently makes use of Trinidad's Dialog Framework.  Ultimately, I
> would like to prevent issues that can occur if the use starts multiple
> conversations and data is stored in session scope.  I would also like to
> restrict their ability to access the workflow by directly entering a URL for
> one of the pages in the middle of the workflow, instead of going through the
> designated start page.  We are already making use of Spring in many areas
> and Spring Web Flow would be a natural extension to try use.
> - Has anyone attempted to use Spring Web Flow with Trinidad?
> - Are there any common integration issues/pitfalls?
> - Is it worth looking at Spring Web Flow, or would the use of pageFlowScope
> and phaseListeners for a custom solution be easier?
> The first thing that came to mind was the Dialog Framework-Spring Web Flow
> interaction.  I am not sure how this would work or if it would even work.  A
> quick initial attempt resulted in the following error:
> javax.faces.el.EvaluationException:
> /views/lastSchoolSearch.xhtml @172,55
> actionListener="#{lastSchoolSearch.done}": java.lang.IllegalStateException:
> popView(): No view has been pushed.
> Dialogue gets displayed based on the following transitions, but fails when
> returning.

My hunch is that "dialog:" is not actually really launching
the dialog.  As for why, I'd wonder how Spring Web Flow
is installing.  My guess is that it's a NavigationHandler
wrapper (is that accurate?)  and if so, for "dialog:" to magically
work you'd have to make sure that the Trinidad "dialog:"
ViewHandler wrapper wraps the SWF ViewHandler wrapper,
not the other way around.

-- Adam

>  <view-state id="educationHistory"
> view="/views/educationHistory.xhtml">
>   <transition on="employment" to="employmentHistory" />
>   <transition on="back" to="addressPage" />
>   <transition on="proficiency" to="englishProficiency" />
>   <transition on="dialog:lastSchoolSearch" to="lastSchoolSearch" />
>  </view-state>
>  <view-state id="lastSchoolSearch"
> view="/views/lastSchoolSearch.xhtml">
>   <transition on="done" to="educationHistory" />
>  </view-state>
> Any feedback would be great.  Thank you in advance..

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