Hi Bruno,
No, it's not, I just stripped a little too much in teh copy-paste to mail. :-)
This is the entire page:

<?xml   version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";    
                xmlns:f= "http://java.sun.com/jsf/core";
        xmlns:t="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk"; >
            <ui:remove>Btw this declares html as the default 
        Text outside the ui-composition tags will not be displayed.
        <ui:composition template="template.xhtml">
                Text in between de ui:composite en ui:define tags will not be
displayed either.
                <ui:remove>This is the way to edit comments with 
                <ui:define name="header">
                LoginPage  title
                <ui:define name="body">
                        This is clear text: Hello everyone.
                        <h1>This is a html tag </h1>
                <h:outputText value="This is a string from an outputText" />

On 7/31/07, Bruno Aranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the login page, where are you opening the ui:composition tag? Seems
> to be missing right?
>  Hope this is the problem,
> Cheers,
> Bruno
> On 31/07/07, Wolf Benz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I get this error(@loginPage.xhtml) after my first page(index.xhtml)
> > renders correctly - anyone an idea as to the why?
> >
> >
> > "XML Parsing Error: no element found
> >
> > Location: http://localhost:8080/MeToMa/index.xhtml
> >
> > Line Number 1, Column 1:"
> > (in FF; in other browsers I get just a blank page)
> >
> > My setup:
> >
> > template.xhtml:
> >
> > ...
> >
> > <body>
> >        <f:view>
> >           <h:form>
> >                <ui:insert name="header">Default Header</ui:insert>
> >                <ui:insert name="navigation">Default navigation</ui:insert>
> >                <ui:insert name="body">Default Body</ui:insert>
> >                <ui:insert name="messages">Default Messages</ui:insert>
> >                <ui:insert name="footer">Default Footer</ui:insert>
> >       </h:form>
> >        </f:view>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> >
> >
> > index.xhtml (rendering OK)
> >
> >        <body>
> >        <ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/resources/pages/template.xhtml">
> >        <ui:define name="navigation">
> >        <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/resources/pages/menu.xhtml"/>
> >        </ui:define>
> >        </ui:composition>
> >        </body>
> >
> >
> > with menu.xhtml (rendering OK)
> >
> >  <ui:composition>
> >        <h3>UC Picker</h3>
> >        <hr/>
> >        <h:panelGrid columns="1">
> >           <h:commandLink value="Home" action="loginPage" />
> >           <h:commandLink value="Page1" action="page1" />
> >           <h:commandLink value="page2" action="page2" />
> >        </h:panelGrid>
> >    </ui:composition>
> >
> >
> > and loginPage(giving me the error)
> >
> > ...
> >
> >        <body>
> >                <ui:define name="header">
> >                LoginPage  title
> >                </ui:define>
> >                <ui:define name="body">
> >                        This is clear text: Hello everyone.
> >                        <h1>This is a html tag </h1>
> >                <h:outputText value="This is a string from an outputText" />
> >        </ui:define>
> >        </ui:composition>
> >        </body>
> > </html>
> >

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