There's two ways, both are poor man's solution though.

1. Do a sendRedirect on the same page in your returnListener (you'll lose
the messages and request scoped variables though, like any redirect);
2. Set a partialTriggers on the first component under trh:body (most likely



On 8/1/07, sandeep gururaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I would like to know if anyone has any idea to refresh the complete page
> on returning from a dialog window.
> I have a tr:commandlink, on click of which a dialog window opens up, the
> necessary operation is performed and then the dialog is closed. At this
> point, I want to refresh the entire main page. Currently, I am updating
> only one field in the page using returnListener on the command link and
> partial triggers on the field. However, there are many other fields. So,
> instead of having partial triggers for all the fields, I would like to
> load that page once again.
> Some more information on my usage:
> I have a parent jsp file which includes child jsp page through
> <ui:include>. The command link, I mentioned above, is in the child jsp.
> Now, my need is to refresh both parent and child.
> Any ideas? Please share.
> Thanks.
> ~Sandeep

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