Hello all,

I'm getting a strange JavaScript error with the latest 1.2 build (cannot
really test it with 1.1) with client validation disabled. I cannot chose a
date from the date picker because of the following JavaScript error that
happens in both MSIE 7 and Firefox 2:

_dfs is not defined (line 1948)
(line 1948)
(line 1541)
_returnCalendarValue(Window __ADFv__, undefined)DebugCommon1_2_1.... (line
_checkUnload(undefined)DebugCommon1_2_1.... (line 5151)
_unloadADFDialog(undefined)DebugCommon1_2_1.... (line 5041)
_selectDate(1184040000000)DebugCommon1_2_1.... (line 1920)
onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)

for the following function:

1945  function _getDateFieldFormat(dateField) 1946  {
1947   var name = dateField.name;
1948   if (name && _dfs)
1949   {
1950     var format = _dfs[name];
1951     if (format)
1952       return new TrDateTimeConverter(format);
1953   }
1955   return new TrDateTimeConverter();
1956  }

It's quite strange because if _dfs isn't defined shouldn't it be set to
undefined and fail the 'if' check?

Anyone else got that problem?


~ Simon

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