You can use solution from here:
or from here: 

It partially resolve problem with colspan in the header. But you can span
only one header for one table. I don't know how to do it for one table and I
used panelgrid with several datatable in it for every grouped columns. Now
my code looks like this:

<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
                                <h:dataTable value="#{listForTable}" var="item"
captionClass="bids-header" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
                                        <f:facet name="header">
                                                <h:outputText value="Bid"/>
                                                <f:facet name="header">
value="Line #"/>
                                                <f:facet name="header">
value="Item #"/>
                                <h:dataTable value="#{listForTable}" var="item"
captionClass="bids-header" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
                                                <f:facet name="header">
                                                        <f:facet name="header">
value="Line #"/>
                                                        <f:facet name="header">
value="Item #"/>
                                                        <f:facet name="header">
value="Line #"/>
                                                        <f:facet name="header">
value="Item #"/>

sandipp wrote:
> Hi Thanks All,
> Actually I do not want to change my h:dataTable now.
> I want to keep h:dataTable(which displaying second row header).
> So is it possible with normal html table.Since I tried with it but its not
> accepting colspan for normal html.
> Any code sample will be great help for me.
> Thanks
> Sandip
> Ryan Wynn-2 wrote:
>> t:dataList allows you more fine grained control over the display.
>> On 6/5/07, ncheltsov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am not sure, that I fully understand your question, but I think, that
>>> h:dataTable element is not intended
>>> for such use. You can display with it some tabular information, set
>>> header and footer and apply some visual cosmetic.
>>> That's all. Consider using other  component.
>>> P.S. Of course  I can be wrong. I will be glad someone to correct me :)
>>> sandipp wrote:
>>> > Hi All,
>>> >
>>> > I want to design datatTable as,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > Edit |               Personal Information        | Account Information
>>> |
>>> >
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > edit | first name | middle name |last name | bank name | a/c no |
>>> >
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > I am able to get second row by follwoing code as.
>>> >
>>> > <h:dataTable width="100%" border="0" headerClass="firstRow"
>>> > rowClasses="row1,row2" value="SomeValue">
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="edit" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="first name" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="middle name" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="last name" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="bank name" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > <h:column>
>>> > <f:facet name="header">
>>> > <h:outputText id="editHeader" value="a/c no" />
>>> > </f:facet>
>>> > </h:column>
>>> > </h:dataTable>
>>> >
>>> > But I am not able to set first row.
>>> > i.e. I want Edit from first row will fit for edit for second row
>>> > lly, Personal Information will fit for first name,middle name,last
>>> name
>>> > and Account Information will fit for bank name a/c no
>>> >
>>> > Can anybody tell me how to do this ?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> > Sandip
>>> >
>>> >

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