It depends which authentication mechanism you're using, but when using a
decent library like Acegi Security or SecurityFilter, you should be able
to get some information about the logged in user, like the username,

You can use this information to filter the events.


Op maandag 13-08-2007 om 13:09 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef ignicolist:
> Tks for your help, i read the values from the data base very well. But now i
> have another problem.
> I have a user autentication, i read the users from a data base. SO, when i
> read the events from data base in the class SimpleScheduleModel, i want to
> read just the entries from the user loged in. 
> I know do that, but the problem is the autentication is made in the
> aplication not in the component, and i read the events in the component. So
> how can i do to know the loged user in the component to read just the events
> from that user?
> Any help please!!
> Tks for all the help!!

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