FYI, I did get this working using binding and using the IDs of the
children to programmatically set the disclosed properties. I just
dislike using binding as I feel it too tightly couples the backing
bean code with the view structure, so if anyone can think of a better
solution, I'd be glad to hear it.

On 8/15/07, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having issues combining the state of a tab panel with backing
> bean managed selected tab. I want to be able to change the selected
> tab from outside the tabbed pane. The problem I am running into is
> that the tabbed pane sets the local value of the disclosed attribute
> when the user clicks a tab. Once that is set, my EL expressions are no
> longer used.
> Example:
> <tr:commandLink id="aLink" value="A">
>   <t:updateActionListener property="#{}" value="A" />
> </tr:commandLink>
> <tr:commandLink id="bLink" value="B">
>   <t:updateActionListener property="#{}" value="B" />
> </tr:commandLink>
> <tr:panelTabbed id="mytabs">
>   <tr:showDetailItem disclosed="#{ eq 'A'}"
>     disclosureListener="#{bean.tabASelected}">
>     A
>   </tr:showDetailItem>
>   <tr:showDetailItem disclosed="#{ eq 'B'}"
>     disclosureListener="#{bean.tabBSelected}">
>     B
>   </tr:showDetailItem>
> </tr:panelTabbed>
> public class Bean {
>   private String tab = "A";
>   public String getTab() { return; }
>   public void setTab(String tab) { = tab; }
>   public void tabASelected(DisclosureEvent evt) {
>     if (evt.isExpanded) { = "A"; }
>   }
>   public void tabBSelected(DisclosureEvent evt) {
>     if (evt.isExpanded) { = "B"; }
>   }
> }
> Is there a way, without extending tr:showDetailItem to prevent the
> tabbed panel from programmatically setting the disclosed property of
> the tab, and letting my code using the disclosureListener properties
> handle the selection?
> Thanks,
> Andrew

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