Hi Dave,

You didn't say what version of MyFaces you are using.

There is an old bug, long fixed, where a backslash within an attribute
would confuse the ReducedHTMLParser.  If you're using an old version,
then look for something like:
  <foo bar="problem\nstring"/>

I also see that you have no quotes around the EVENT attribute of the
script tag...



On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 21:08 -0700, Dave wrote:
> 05:05:27,075 WARN  [ReducedHTMLParser] Invalid tag found: unexpected
> input while looking for attr name or '/>' at line 93. Surroundings:
> '(player.currentMedia) {
> '
> The following script is included in head section.
> <script LANGUAGE="JScript" FOR="player" EVENT=currentItemChange()>
> var player = document.getElementById("player");
> if (player.currentMedia) {
> ...
> }
> </script>
> Is there anything wrong with the code ? The code is working correctly
> on client.
> Thanks,
> dave
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