Hello Sandeep,

This was a wanted change made to the dialog framework. ReturnListener's
semantic is "the dialog was closed with the following parameters" implying
no parameter when closed with the 'X' button. Therefore, those listeners
serve as a notification system for the calling window to know when its child
was closed. Imagine staying with the old code and not calling return
listener when 'X' is pressed. How would you be able to emulate the new
behavior if your application requires to be notified? It would be close to
impossible. The other way around, however, is extremely easy as you can
simply push a return value and check if it's present in the listener to know
if it was closed using a commandButton or with the 'X'.


~ Simon

On 8/21/07, sandeep gururaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello All,
> I noticed just now that in the Trinidad (version 1.0.2) along with Myfaces
> (version 1.1.5), the return listener is called even if we close the dialog
> window manually (by clicking the 'X' button of the dialog window). When I
> used previous version of Trinidad and Myfaces, this was not the case.
> Any idea why this was changed in this way? Personally, I feel return
> listeners should not be called when the dialog window's 'X' (Close) button
> is clicked.
> Also, is there a way to disable the Close, Minimise, Maximise buttons of
> the dialog window?
> Thanks
> ~Sandeep

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