 myfaces 1.2 can not work with enum.
here is a sample:
JSF pages code:
 <h:selectOneRadio value="#{form.education}"
      <f:selectItems value="#{form.educationItems}"/>

and the java code:

    private static SelectItem[] educationItems = {
       new SelectItem(Education.HIGH_SCHOOL, "High School"),
       new SelectItem(Education.BACHELOR, "Bachelor's"),
       new SelectItem(Education.MASTER, "Master's"),
       new SelectItem(Education.DOCTOR, "Doctorate") };

   public SelectItem[] getEducationItems() {
      return educationItems;

using myfaces 1.2 , tomcat 6.0.13 and windows xp have the Exception 
" Value is no String ......"

how can i fix this.


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