Thanks alot for the reply...   I had totally forgotten about the <img src="" /> 
in the example.  that makes a lot of sense.
I did write in my previous post that the jsp file is included in a tile and 
thanks for telling me that it will give me a corrupted output if I had text 
before the binary output in the tile.  Actually, before I got this exception, I 
was having this corrupted output problem and I thought that this is some 
content type mismatch problem in the tile and the included page.
so, if I want the included page to have a header, I can't use tile, instead 
will have to use a jsp with header content in it, right?

Thanks a lot for the reply,

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 David Delbecq wrote :
>The answer is quite explicit:
>Can't insert page '/pages/cannedEmail/showFile.jsp'
>You are trying to *include* showFile.jsp inside another jsp file. The other 
>jsp file expect the included file to generate a text output. But you are 
>generating binary output, which can't be converted to html. I suppose you know 
>that, in html, you never include the binary content inside the html document, 
>you always create a link that points to the document to show. In case of 
>pictures man use <img src="..."/> tag, in case of pdf, doc, xls man use an 
><object>...</object> tag.
>If you look at myface example source, you should clearly notice this:
><h:graphicImage url="fileupload_showimg.jsf"/>
>which is quite different from this
><jsp:include src="fileupload_showimg.jsf"/>
>PS: i also notice, though you omitted to tell us about this in question, that 
>you are mixing JSF with tiles. Ensure tiles does not do any text output pior 
>ti binary output as it will give a corrupted response (padding before start of 
>sushma sharma a écrit :
>>Hi Experts,
>>I am having trouble displaying BLOB data in my page. My requirement is that I 
>>must be able to show some predefined types(PDF, HTML, GIF, JPEG, DOC, XLS) of 
>>BLOB data in my page. This page must have the header of my application. I 
>>tried to use the example given at 
>>I tried that example and it seemed to work for Images. But after I 
>>incorporated it in my app, I am getting the exception. Upload works, but 
>>problem is with displaying the content of the BLOB data. We  have a field in 
>>the table where we set what type of data is in the BLOB, so I set the 
>>ContentType from that.
>>I am using Myfaces 1.1.5, Tomahawk 1.1.3, Ajax4Jsf 1.1.1. server is WLS8.1 
>>I understand that it is a problem with the page encoding/ content type set 
>>for the page.I tried it with UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1, but neither of them 
>>worked. Any help is appreciated. below is my jsp file and the exception I am 
>>getting. the jsp file is included in a tile.
>>===================JSP File==  showFile.jsp ==============================
>><%@ page session="false" %>
>>     String contentType = (String)application.getAttribute("fileupload_type");
>>     String fileName = (String)application.getAttribute("fileupload_name");
>>     String allowCache = request.getParameter("allowCache");
>>     String openDirectly = request.getParameter("openDirectly");
>>        System.out.print("\n\n*********** allowCache  " + allowCache);
>>        if(allowCache == null || allowCache.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
>>     {
>>         response.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
>>         response.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, 
>> must-revalidate");
>>         response.setHeader("Expires", "01 Apr 1995 01:10:10 GMT");
>>     }
>>     if(contentType!=null)
>>     {
>>         System.out.print("\n\n*********** contentType  " + contentType);
>>         response.setContentType(contentType);
>>     }
>>     if(fileName != null)
>>     {
>>         System.out.print("\n\n*********** fileName  " + fileName);
>>         fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\')+1);
>>         fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
>>         StringBuffer contentDisposition = new StringBuffer();
>>         System.out.print("\n\n*********** openDirectly  " + openDirectly);
>>         if(openDirectly==null || openDirectly.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
>>         {
>>             contentDisposition.append("attachment;");
>>         }
>>         contentDisposition.append("filename=\"");
>>         contentDisposition.append(fileName);
>>         contentDisposition.append("\"");
>>         response.setHeader ("Content-Disposition", 
>> contentDisposition.toString());
>>     }
>>     byte[] bytes = (byte[])application.getAttribute("fileupload_bytes");
>>     System.out.print("\n\n*********** fileupload_bytes  ");
>>     if (bytes != null)
>>     {
>>         System.out.print(" =  " + bytes);
>>         response.getOutputStream().write(bytes);
>>     }
>>Can't insert page '/pages/cannedEmail/showFile.jsp' : null 
>>at at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.CharChunkOutput.write( at
>> at
>>weblogicservlet.jsp.BodyOutputStream.write( at
>> at
>>jsp_servlet._pages._cannedemail.__showfile._jspService( at
>>weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service( at
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter( at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include( at
>>org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilImpl.doInclude( at
>>org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtil.doInclude( at
>>org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doInclude( at
>> at
>>org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doEndTag( at
>>jsp_servlet.__layout._jspService( at 
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter( at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>>( at
>>( at
>>( at
>> at
>> at
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>at org.apache.myfaces.webapp.MyFacesServlet.service( at
>>( at 
>>( at 
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter( at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>> at
>>weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter( at
>>( at
>> at
>>weblogicsecurity.service.SecurityManager.runAs( at
>>( at 
>>( at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute
>>( at 

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