I'm trying to get a simple app running with MyFaces and Tiles, but
it's not working.

I have the standard web.xml file that defines the TilesListener and
MyFaces StartupServletContextListener.  It also has the
TilesDispatcherServlet (mapped to *.tiles) and the FacesServlet
(mapped to *.jsf)

My WEB-INF\tiles.xml contains one definition (note the template ends in .jsf):

 <definition name="index" template="/layout/layout.jsf">
   <put-attribute name="title" value="Crash Test Dummy" type="string"/>
   <put-attribute name="bodyContent" value="/body/body.jsp" type="template"/>

And the WEB-INF\faces-config.xml contains one navigation-rule:


The welcome-file is mapped to index.jsp that simply contains:

<%@ page session="false"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles"; prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:insertDefinition name="index"/>

The layout simply imports the f and tiles taglibs, encloses everything
in <f:view> tags and inserts the bodyContent attribute (which is a
.jsp file with only one <p> of text in it).

But when I try to run the attached war file I get about 8000+ lines of
stack trace that mean absolutely nothing to me.

Has anybody been able to get this working?  I'd really appreciate some
pointers, I've been struggling with this for a couple of days already.
 The war file containing everything here is at

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