Hi Claus,

This probably due to the fact that chart component does not implement
valueHolder interface. Currently I believe only valueHolder components can
be put inside the table. Can you use trh:tableLayout with c:forEach instead?


On 9/3/07, Claus Elsborg Laursen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the <tr:chart> component inside a <h:datatable>
> But it gives an exception like this:
> javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Base is null: campaign
>         at
> org.apache.myfaces.el.ValueBindingImpl.resolveToBaseAndProperty(ValueBin
> dingImpl.java:463)
>         at
> org.apache.myfaces.el.ValueBindingImpl.setValue(ValueBindingImpl.java:25
> 1)
>         at
> org.apache.myfaces.application.ApplicationImpl.createComponent(Applicati
> onImpl.java:447)
>         at
> javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.createComponentInstance(UIComponentTag
> .java:881)
>         at
> javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.findComponent(UIComponentTag.java:768)
>         at
> javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.doStartTag(UIComponentTag.java:472)
>         at
> org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.UIXComponentTag.doStartTag(UIXCompone
> ntTag.java:102)
> The following jsf code has been used:
> ...
> <h:form id="campaignform">
>                         <h:dataTable
> headerClass="standardtable-header-left"
> rowClasses="standardtable-row-1,standardtable-row-1"
>                                      var="campaign"
>                                      value="#{IndexChartBean.campaigns}"
> >
>                             <h:column>
>                                 <f:facet name="header">
>                                     <h:outputText
> value="#{messages.chartLabel}"/>
>                                 </f:facet>
>                                 <tr:outputText
> value="#{campaign.campaignChart.value.title}"/>
>                                 <tr:outputText
> value="#{campaign.campaignChart.chart.type}"/>
>                                 <tr:chart id="chart"
>                                           YMajorGridLineCount="3"
> value="#{campaign.campaignChart.value}"
>                                           inlineStyle="width:680px;
> height:120px;"
> binding="#{campaign.campaignChart.chart}"/>
>                             </h:column>
>                         </h:dataTable>
>                     </h:form>
> ...
> If I remove the <tr:chart> part, the page works fine and the
> <tr:outputText> elements inserted for test are shown correctly in the
> table.
> I am also able to use the chart component outside a <h:datatable>
> without any problems.
> Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Claus Elsborg

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