
I would like to link directly out of the drop down menu, but I don't get it running.
Here each entry in the drop down menu has a different link.
My drop down menu will be created in a dynamic way.

Here's my code:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{statistics.choosedValue}">
<f:selectItems value="#{statistics.list}" />


private List<SelectItem> list;

public void dropDown()
list = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

Integer num = new Integer(instance.getCurrentDatasetHolderInstance().countDatasets());

list.add(new SelectItem(num.toString()));

for (Dataset dataset : datasetList) {
list.add(new SelectItem(dataset.getName()));

+ Getter und Setter

Does anyone know how to link direclty ot of the drop down menu

Thx for your efforts,
Cheers Wolfgang

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