
I've just committed a change to svn head that changes the behaviour of the 
endConversation tag.

The restart and restartAction attributes have been removed. These were intended 
to mimic the functionality available via the API 
ConversationUtils.invalidateAndRestartCurrent. Unfortunately in its current 
form it isn't much use, as the critical point of invalidateAndRestartCurrent is 
that code then has a reference to both the old and new conversations so it can 
copy data between them. The JSF component cannot easily mimic this. At some 
point this kind of functionality may be re-added in a way that can actually be 

In addition, if the errorOutcome property is set, then formerly the 
conversation was never ended. Now, it is ended if the errorOutcome value is 
listed in the onOutcome property.

I don't think either of these changes are likely to break existing code, but if 
this does cause you problems please post your requirements ASAP and I'll try to 
resolve the issue.



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