c:forEach inside tr:table works perfectly, even when changing column layout from request to request. This topic has been discussed on this list sometime ago. Something like this:

        <tr:table id="result"

            <c:forEach var="column" items="#{bean.columnHeaders}" varStatus="iteration">
                <tr:column align="#{column.alignement}" noWrap="true">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <tr:outputText value="#{column.localizedLabel}"/>
                    <c:if test="#{column.type == 0}">
                        <tr:outputText value="#{cx:getValueAt(row, iteration.index)}" inlineStyle="padding-right: 10px"/>
                    <c:if test="#{column.type == 1}">
                        <h:graphicImage value="#{cx:getValueAt(row, iteration.index)}"/>
                    <c:if test="#{column.type == 2}">
                        <h:graphicImage value="#{cx:getValueAt(row, iteration.index)}" style="cursor: pointer;"
                    <c:if test="#{column.type == 3}">
                        <cx:toolbarHolder bean="#{cx:getValueAt(row, iteration.index)}" />

On the other hand, I'm not sure that tr:table accepts non-column children, such as tr:iterator. For example, ui:repeat wouldn't work.

-- Renzo

Andrew Robinson wrote:
As a work around, if you are using facelets you could use c:forEach to
generate new column components during the facelet build. I haven't
used it yet, so not sure if it would work, but have you tried
<tr:iterator>? If it works, the view may be something like:

<tr:table value="#{rows}" ...>
  <tr:iterator value="#{columns}" ...>

Like I say, I have no idea if this would work, but worth a shot or at
least a look in the code for the DesktopTableRenderer


On 9/10/07, Martin Hinterndorfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone!

I need to build a table with a variable amout of columns (with different
headers and data types).
We are planning to use trinidad, whereas trinidad has no <columns>-Tag, like
tomahawk has.
As far as I know, I can use the binding attribute to build the
component-tree programatically,
but it looks as if the table will become quite complex (buttons, validators,
converters...), so this is not a
very preferable approach.

Does anybody have experience in mixing a trinidad application with the
tomahawk <t:dataTable> and <t:columns> components?

Any pros or cons?

Thanks in advance!

Martin Hinterndorfer



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