I noticed the style attributes were not being output as they should a few
days ago.  I've put a fix together, just wanted to test a few other bits.
Certainly triggerStyle was totally unecessary.  I'll make the necessary
tweaks as per Adam's suggestions.

The original reason for 3 divs was to keep seperate the skin styles that a
developer could tweak from those required by the component.  Hence, the
outer div controlled the show/hide and couldn't easily be modified though
bad style entries.

On 9/11/07, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good question....
> In general, they go on the root element.  In this case,
> that's the <span>.  However, the primary purpose of this
> component is definitely the popup itself, , so you could
> very reasonably argue that it ought to go there.
> Looking at the content, I have more questions:
> - Why do we need three <divs> - one with an ID and
>   the visibility:hidden, as well as the "container" and
>   "content" style classes?  IMO, we should only need two,
>   and the middle one would be unnecessary.
> - There's no styleclass on the outer span.
> I think what I'd recommend is deleting the middle DIV,
> renaming "af|panelPopup::content" to just "af|panelPopup",
> rendering styleclass on that content DIV, and finally
> adding an af|panelPopup::trigger class onto the outer
> span.
> Oh, and also doc the styles in the skin-selectors page. :)
> -- Adam
> On 9/11/07, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Before filing a bug, I was wondering what the intended result of this
> was:
> >
> > <tr:panelPopup text="test" styleClass="testclass">
> > test
> > </tr:panelPopup>
> >
> > from what I can see of 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT the "testclass" style class is
> > ignored. Is it supposed to render on the trigger, the popup content,
> > the popup outer element or the element that contains the content for
> > the entire control?
> >
> > Here is the HTML from the above example:
> >
> > <span id_popuptrigger="_id45">
> > <a href="#" class="OraLink"
> > onclick="TrPanelPopup.showPopup('_id45_popupContainer', '_id45',
> > event, 'click','null',false,0,0,0,0); return false;" name="_id45"
> > id="_id45">test</a>
> > <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility:
> > hidden;" id="_id45_popupContainer">
> > <div class="af_panelPopup_container">
> > <div class="af_panelPopup_content">
> > test</div>
> > </div>
> > </div>
> > </span>
> >

Chordiant Software Inc.

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