Hello Dave,

Stay tuned for RCF, it contains such feature. For now you can download
JDeveloper 11g technical preview for a sneak peek of RCF. RCF was given to
Apache by Oracle, but we're still waiting for the code drop. Hopefully,
it'll be soon.


~ Simon

On 9/13/07, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,  I have seen many web pages have Drag and Drop (DnD) features. Is
> there any plan to add DnD functionality to MyFaces (Tomahawk) ?  RichFaces
> has DnD, but
> 1. it lacks precise positioning, For example, drag a panelGroup and drop
> it between two other panelGroups.
> 2. It can not show the whole panelGroup visually while dragging, only an
> icon.
> Have a nice day!
> Dave
> ------------------------------
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