On 9/14/07, Bertrand, Shawn R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  We have some situations where we set up PPR between components, and some
> of the components which should trigger an update may not be rendered based
> on some value binding.  What is the policy with respect to this?  If a
> button, for instance, isn't rendered but is expected to trigger an update on
> a table, would I expect this sort of error?
> 14:35:46,377 ERROR [STDERR] Sep 14, 2007 2:35:46 PM
> org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.RequestContextImpladdPartialTriggerListeners
> WARNING: Could not find partial trigger genTable:modify from
> CoreTable[UIXFacesBeanImpl, id=genTable]

This warning means that your partialTrigger syntax is wrong;  it's not that
isn't rendered.

> I'm also thinking there might be problem with situations where an action
> is triggered on a command button, a PPR update occurs that disables a
> button, and the focus method call at the bottom of
> TrPage.prototype._handlePprResponseFragment fails because the button can't
> be focused upon.  Under this situation, I'm getting this javascript error in
> IE (but not in Firefox):
>             "Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not
> enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus."
A simple test case would be handy.  Looks like there's some problems with
the PPR
code that tries to restore focus.

-- Adam


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