Hi Zied,

the tobago_selectTab is a javascript function which is defined in tab.js.

I think you run into the same problem as i two weeks ago, when
changing a old (non ajax) app to use ajax reload of a sheet.

You must add
to your tobago-config.xml

the default is currently false but i'm going to switch default to true:


2007/9/24, Zied Hamdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Volker,
> The problem I have is different: in both ie7 and firefox2 I have javascript
> errors when I click on the tab.
> Under firefox the error is: "tobago_selectTab" is not defined (see figure).
> I didn't name any of my components this way... Maybe it is because I wrote
> my tab group directly inside the tc:popup without a layouting panel.
> Anyway, I prefer to upgrade to the latest nightly builds before telling you
> more, it's been a while I'm using old jars.
> Here's my code in the case the error is obvious for you...
> contract.xhtml
> ...
>                   < tc:box
>                          id ="taskTablePanel"
>                          label ="#{i18n.planning}" >
>                          < f:facet name ="toolBar" >
>                               < tc:toolBar>
>                                     < tc:toolBarCommand
>                                           image
> ="image/new.GIF"
>                                           action
> ="#{contractCtrl.newTaskCmd}"
>                                          tip= "|nouvelle
> tache">
>                                          < tc:attribute
>                                                 value
> ="taskEditPopup"
>                                                 name
> ="renderedPartially" />
>                                           < f:facet name
> ="popup" >
>                                                 < tc:popup
>                                                       id
> ="taskEditPopup"
> height ="400px"
>                                                       width
> ="500px" >
>                                                       <
> tc:box label= "|Tache">
> < f:facet name ="layout" >
>       < tc:gridLayout rows ="*;fixed" />
> </ f:facet>
> < ui:include src ="/contract/workTask.xhtml" />
> < tc:cell>
>       < f:facet name ="layout" >
>             < tc:gridLayout
>                   columns= "100px;1*;100px"
>                  marginLeft = "10px"
>                   marginRight= "10px" />
>       </ f:facet>
>       < tc:button
>             label ="#{i18n.ok}"
>             action= "#{contractCtrl.addTaskCmd}">
>             < tc:attribute
>                  name = "popupClose"
>                   value= "afterSubmit" />
>       </ tc:button>
>       < tc:cell />
>       < tc:button label ="#{i18n.cancel}" >
>             < tc:attribute
>                  name = "popupClose"
>                  value = "immediate" />
>       </ tc:button>
> </ tc:cell>
>                                                       </
> tc:box>
>                                                 </
> tc:popup>
>                                           </ f:facet>
>                                     </ tc:toolBarCommand>
>                               </ tc:toolBar>
>                          </ f:facet>
>                          < f:subview id ="taskTableSubview" >
>                               < ui:include src ="/contract/taskTable.xhtml"
> />
>                          </f:subview >
>                   </tc:box >
> ...
> worktask.xhtml
> < tc:tabGroup
>       xmlns=" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
>       xmlns:f=" http://java.sun.com/jsf/core";
>       xmlns:h=" http://java.sun.com/jsf/html";
>       xmlns:tc="
> http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/component";
>       xmlns:tx="
> http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/extension";
>       xmlns:ui=" http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets";
>       xmlns:t=" http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk";>
>       <tc:tab label ="#{i18n.task}">
>             <f:facet name= "layout">
>                    < tc:gridLayout
>                          columns ="*;*"
>                          rows
> ="fixed;fixed;fixed;fixed;fixed;fixed" />
>              </ f:facet>
>              < tx:date
>                    id ="workStartDate"
>                    value ="#{intervention.workStart}"
>                    label ="#{i18n.workStartDate}" >
>                    < f:convertDateTime pattern ="dd.MM.yyyy" />
>              </ tx:date>
>              < tc:cell>
>                    < f:facet name ="layout" >
>                          < tc:gridLayout columns ="*;*" />
>                    </ f:facet>
>                    < tc:time
>                          id ="workStart"
>                          value ="#{intervention.workStart}" />
>                    < tc:time
>                          id ="workEnd"
>                          value ="#{intervention.workEnd}" />
>              </ tc:cell>
>              < tx:date
>                    id ="workEndDate"
>                    value ="#{intervention.workEnd}"
>                    label ="#{i18n.workEndDate}" >
>                    < f:convertDateTime pattern ="dd.MM.yyyy" />
>              </ tx:date>
>              < tc:cell />
>              < tc:cell>
>                    < f:facet name ="layout" >
>                          < tc:gridLayout columns ="fixed;*" />
>                    </ f:facet>
>                    < tc:link label ="#{i18n.intervenant}" />
>                    < tc:link
>                          id...
> [Nachricht gekürzt]

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