
I have an interesting Problem: within a tr:tr, I'd like to use for a certain column an JavaScript (JS) onmousemove attribute, it looks like this:
        <tr:column onmousemove="setOverStyle(this)" ... />
The problem is, the onmousmove attribute is not rendered by trinidad, i.e. it does not show up if you take a look at the source code of the corresponding page in your browser after deploying your application.

If I substitute onmousemove by onmouseclick, the whole thing works and the JS-Attribute is rendered by trinidad. But my customer will want to use onmouseover-effects, so just not using this JS-element is not an option.

I am using trinidad-api/impl 1.2.2, jsf-api 1.2, jsf-impl 1.2-b19, and commons-logging 1.1 libraries. The project is deployed on Glassfish build b58g-fcs.

I'd appreciate any hints on this topic. Maybe somebody already has done what I want to do here and knows how to do it right.



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