
The Apache MyFaces community is pleased to announce its
1.2.3 release of the Apache MyFaces Trinidad Maven2 plugins.

The version 1.2.3 is a "unified" version of both, the 1.0.x plugins
and 1.2.x plugins development-line.
The unified plugins will be used for both CORE development line (1.0.x
and 1.2.x).

These Maven2 plugins have been deployed to the Apache Maven2 and they
are mirrored by ibiblio as well.

release notes
Apache MyFaces Trinidad Plugins (version 1.2.3) (for JSF 1.1)

This file contains informations for the 1.2.3 release of the Plugins
for the Apache MyFaces Trinidad solved Jira issue:

[TRINIDAD-706] - JSF 1.2: Non-EL attributes of tags are always
generated as Strings
[TRINIDAD-714] - maven-myfaces-plugin does not generate taglib.xml
output for facelets-only
[TRINIDAD-719] - GenerateFaceletsTaglibsMojo doesn't add renderer-type
to taglib.xml
[TRINIDAD-725] - Add ability to specify a tag-handler for a specific component


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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