Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:16 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Exadel with Trinidad?


I tried working with Trinidad and Ajax4Jsf (and facelets and JSF 1.2 RI) and
ran into problems with form refreshes. 
See topic:  [Trinidad] Problems working with Ajax4JSF 
I tried getting this resolved on the JBoss Ajax4Jsf forum but did not have
any luck. 


Mike, which components were you trying to use that required Ajax4Jsf. In
other words, where did you find Trinidad lacking?

"Thai Dang Vu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/25/2007 05:06:28

> Maybe I request a lot :), but if you have a chance to use richfaces
> 3.1.0 (or 3.1.1 snapshot), the latest myfaces (or sun ri is better
> because I use it), trinidad 1.2.x, could you please make a very simple
> application (like a blank war) and share with us?
> Best regards and wish you have more free time :p
> PS: I can compile the a4j from src to get the a4j-trinidad.jar with
> richfaces 3.0.1, but it seems to me that I cannot do it with rf 3.1.0
> (although I haven't tried it quite hard yet).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin R. Gutch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 5:01 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: Exadel with Trinidad?
> I am using (note that you need to get a4j-trinidad.jar)
> a4j-trinidad.jar
> ajax4jsf-1.1.1.jar
> richfaces-3.0.1.jar
> trinidad-api-1.0.1.jar
> trinidad-impl-1.0.1.jar
> myfaces-api-1.1.4.jar
> Thai Dang Vu wrote:
> > Thanks, Kevin. I'll try it.
> >
> > By the way, which version of RichFaces, MyFaces & Trinidad are you
> > using?
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kevin R. Gutch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 4:50 PM
> > To: MyFaces Discussion
> > Subject: Re: Exadel with Trinidad?
> >
> > I use RichFaces, Ajax4JSf, MyFaces and Trinidad.
> >
> > I do not know if every component works but I know at least the 
> > ColorChooser does.
> > Here is some of my web.xml
> >  
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="";
> >  xmlns:xsi=""; 
> > xsi:schemaLocation=" 
> >";>
> >  <description>Web Application</description>
> >  <display-name>Web Application</display-name>
> >  <context-param>
> >  <param-name>appSkin</param-name>
> >  <param-value>classic</param-value>
> > </context-param>
> >   <context-param>
> >   <param-name>javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES</param-name>
> >   
> >
> <param-value>/WEB-INF/faces_config_ex.xml,/WEB-INF/faces_config_app.xml<
> > /param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>org.ajax4jsf.SKIN</param-name>
> >   <param-value>#{}</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS</param-name>
> >   <param-value>true</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX</param-name>
> >   <param-value>.xhtml</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD</param-name>
> >   <param-value>2</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>facelets.DEVELOPMENT</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <!--setting to server over client is supposed to increase >
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name>
> >   <param-value>server</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>com.sun.faces.validateXml</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>com.sun.faces.verifyObjects</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>facelets.LIBRARIES</param-name>
> >   
> >
> <param-value>/WEB-INF/tomahawk.taglib.xml;/WEB-INF/my.taglib.xml;/WEB-IN
> > F/sandbox.taglib.xml</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <!-- ************************ START Trinidad Config > 
> **************************** -->
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CACHE_VIEW_ROOT</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >
> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.resource.DEBUG</param-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   
> >
> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.USE_APPLICATION_VIEW_CACHE</para
> > m-name>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   
> >
> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESS
> > ION</param-name>
> >   <param-value>true</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   
> >
> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CHECK_FILE_MODIFICATION</param-n
> > ame>
> >   <param-value>false</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <context-param>
> >   
> >
> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.ALTERNATE_VIEW_HANDLER</param-na
> > me>
> >   <param-value>com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler</param-value>
> >  </context-param>
> >  <!-- ************************ END Trinidad Config > 
> **************************** -->
> >  <filter>
> >   <display-name>Ajax4jsf Filter</display-name>
> >   <filter-name>ajax4jsf</filter-name>
> >   <filter-class>org.ajax4jsf.Filter</filter-class>
> >   <init-param>
> >    <param-name>forceparser</param-name>
> >    <param-value>false</param-value>
> >   </init-param>
> >  </filter>
> >  <filter>
> >   <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
> >   
> >
> <filter-class>org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter</filter-
> > class>
> >   <init-param>
> >    <description>Set the size limit for uploaded files. Format: 10 - 10
> > bytes 10k - 10 KB 10m - 10 MB 1g - 1 GB</description>
> >    <param-name>uploadMaxFileSize</param-name>
> >    <param-value>100m</param-value>
> >   </init-param>
> >   <init-param>
> >    <description>Set the threshold size - files below this limit are 
> > stored in memory, files above this limit are stored on disk. Format:
> 10 
> > - 10 bytes 10k - 10 KB 10m - 10 MB 1g - 1 GB</description>
> >    <param-name>uploadThresholdSize</param-name>
> >    <param-value>100k</param-value>
> >   </init-param>
> >   
> >
> <!--<init-param><param-name>uploadRepositoryPath</param-name><param-
> valu > e>/temp</param-value><description>Set > the path where the 
> intermediary files will be > stored.</description></init-param>-->
> >  </filter>
> >  
> >  <!-- ************************ Trinidad Filter > 
> **************************** -->
> >  <filter>
> >   <filter-name>Trinidad</filter-name>
> >   
> >
> <filter-class>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter</filter-
> > class>
> >  </filter>
> >  <filter-mapping>
> >   <filter-name>ajax4jsf</filter-name>
> >   <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
> >   <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
> >   <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>
> >   <dispatcher>INCLUDE</dispatcher>
> >  </filter-mapping>
> >  <filter-mapping>
> >   <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
> >   <url-pattern>*.faces</url-pattern>
> >  </filter-mapping>
> >  <filter-mapping>
> >   <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
> >   <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-pattern>
> >  </filter-mapping>
> >  <filter-mapping>
> >   <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
> >   <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern>
> >  </filter-mapping>
> >  
> >  
> >  <servlet>
> >   <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
> >   <servlet-class>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-class>
> >   <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
> >  </servlet>
> >  <servlet>
> >   <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>
> >   <servlet-class>org.jenia.faces.util.Servlet</servlet-class>
> >   <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>
> >  </servlet>
> >  <!-- ************************ Trinidad resources Servlet > 
> Mapping**************************** -->
> >  <servlet>
> >   <servlet-name>Trinidad Resources</servlet-name>
> >   
> >
> <servlet-class>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.ResourceServlet</servl
> > et-class>
> >  </servlet>
> >  <servlet-mapping>
> >   <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
> >   <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern>
> >  </servlet-mapping>
> >  <servlet-mapping>
> >   <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>
> >   <url-pattern>/jenia4faces/*</url-pattern>
> >  </servlet-mapping>
> >  <!-- This cannot be configured currently -->
> >  <servlet-mapping>
> >   <servlet-name>Trinidad Resources</servlet-name>
> >   <url-pattern>/adf/*</url-pattern>
> >  </servlet-mapping>
> >  <login-config>
> >   <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
> >  </login-config>
> >  
> > </web-app>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > NOTICE: This message (including any attachments) from Momentum
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> If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
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