I'm having a usage issue with tr:breadCrumbs. The breadCrumbs is build
as a list of links, and as such I would expect it to be able to have a
list as a data model. But this is not the case, it is using a
TreeModel as the only supported object for the value property. This is
all well and good if you are using the breadCrumbs with the
XmlMenuModel, but it doesn't really make sense as the only solution.

My use case was to show the user the breadcrumbs of my Seam
conversations. I could use t:dataList, but wanted the skinning and
rendering of the tr:breadCrumbs. Before looking into it, I thought I
could simply have:

        <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
            partialSubmit="true" />

Where "#{conversationStack}" is EL that returns
"List<ConversationEntry>". The bread crumbs component is expecting a
MenuModel though instead of supporting CollectionModel or even
DataModel. Since this component displays a linear list, I don't see
why it wouldn't support a liner data model (instead of a tree model).

Any chance that we could have this component changed so that it works
for linear collections as well as tree models?


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