i don`t know if this is the same issue,
but recently we got a major problem with tomahawk handling ppr..
only if a commandLink is inside the form the needed javascripts are

otherwise you get the javascript error "oamSetHiddenInput is not defined"
and the ppr is not done....

( so currently we try to put there a commandLink each time )

.. you are not alone  =)

cheers elmar

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Stephen Friedrich [*mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2007 00:08

An: users@myfaces.apache.org >> MyFaces Discussion

Betreff: Nasty PPR problem

I was positively surprised how easy it was to get a table with a dynamic
number of columns working with trinidad, jstl and facelets.

Now whenever the user clicks on a command link in a table cell I'd like to
update a separate form with details of the data represented by that cell -
using PPR on that form.

It is working (sometimes) using the code below.

The problem is, that I only conditionally render the link.

PPR fails completely for all cells in a row if the command link isn't
rendered in the first column of that row.

Seems to me PPR is canceled somehow, because of a problem with the id of the
trigger component, which does not differ from one column to the next.

Any solution? I'd take a workaround, as well :-)

<tr:table id="scoreEntries" var="summary" value="#{

<c:forEach var="i" begin="0" end="#{monthRange.monthsCount - 1}">

<tr:column headerText="#{monthRange.monthTexts[i]}">

<tr:commandLink id="selectDetails"





<f:param name="parameterId" value="#{summary.parameterId}"/>

<f:param name="yearMonth" value="#{monthRange.yearMonths[i]}"/>


<tr:outputText value="%" rendered="#{summary.details[i].none}"/>

<tr:outputText value="?" rendered="#{summary.details[i].new"/>




<tr:panelFormLayout partialTriggers="scoreEntries:selectDetails">



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