>From: Michael Borchert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi, 
> I have the problem, that I have a web service call that renders pure 
> HTML an gives the page back as HTML. How can I open a dialog, that 
> contains pure HTML. I tried outputDocument but this interprets the HTML 
> code. I want to avoid writing a temporary file. The other solution is to 
> provide a Servlet. But isn't there the chance in Faces? 
> I'm using Trinidad 1.2.2 MyFaces 1.2 and Facelets 1.1.11 on Tomcat6. 
> In short, how do I open a dialog with the content of a string in the 
> backing bean as rendered HTML. 

Would a simple outputText work?

<h:outputText value="sessionBean.rawHtml"  escape="false"/>

> Many thanks, 
> Michael 

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