I have a situation where reRender attribute reRenders the whole form. Here is
the snippet
                                <h:inputText  id="description" size="75"
value="#{manageAddrBlkBean.addressBlock.description}" > 
                                        <a4j:support event="onfocus" 

The moment inputText component gets the Focus the JSF form hangs for a while
then i observed from the Log file its reRendering the whole form

The reRender happens on closing of pop-up window as shown in the following
        <h:panelGrid columns="4" styleClass="detail" columnClasses="label">     
                <h:outputText value="Users/User Group" />       
                <h:selectOneMenu id="usrGrpList"
value="#{manageAddrBlkBean.selectedUserGroup}"  >               
                              <f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue="" />
value="#{manageAddrBlkBean.userGroupList}" />                                   
            <h:commandButton id="findUserAndGroup" value="Manage User/UserGroup"
                                                    onclick="return false">     
            <h:message for="usrGrpList" />

Any pointers/suggestions  to avoid reRendering of whole form using a4j
reRender attribute will be highly appreciated
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