Hi Mario. Thanks for you answer!
It has been very insightful. Best practices are made to be used and if new ones 
are created,
new use will be made :-)
Thank you again. Regards, Renato.

----- Original Message ----
From: Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:22:45 PM
Subject: Re: Why "no backing beans required" in the Seam is so important?

> I have seen this new feature in the Seam about the backing beans and
> am afraid now whether all the work we have done up
> until now would not be the best practice using JSF. Is that a real 
> difference in not using backing beans with Myfaces?
Backing-Beans are just a virtual concept, you're perfectly able to
a JSF application without any declared backing bean, but with just
floating around somewhere and are just used on the page.
And I can imagine that in some parts it is fine to do so, for example
feed a f:selectItems with always the same data in your pages all
So, not using a backing bean is not a new feature Seam introduce.

Everyone could decide if it is suitable for him/her to not use a 
specific class for a page and gain that one knows exactly where to look
to see what the pages are built upon. On the other hand, using a 
collection of beans might reduce the lines of code a little bit.

Regarding "best practice", live changes, what today is a best practice 
might not be true tomorrow ... but ... it is up to you if you'd like to
follow the "new best practice" ;-)


BTW: for now I'd stick with backing beans.

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