setting the partial triggers to "mytable:myselection" works fine. Not sure
about "::mytable:myselection" as I don't have an environment to test at the

My query was that I feel uncomfortable exposing my markup to the internal
representation of the component's id. It would be nice to be able to
reference the "real" id of the component "myselection" in such a way that
hides the fact that myfaces/trinidad suffixes it with its parent id and ":". 

Andrew Robinson-5 wrote:
> Try this an let me know how it works:
> <tr:table
>   id="mytable"
>   var="row"
>   value="#{listBean.items}"
>   partialTriggers="::mytable:myselection">
>   <tr:column>
>     <f:facet
>       name="header"
>       headerText="Select">
>       <tr:selectBooleanCheckbox
>         id="myselection"
>         label="Select All"
>         autoSubmit="true"
>         valueChangeListener="#{listBean.selectAll}" />
>     </f:facet>
>     <tr:selectBooleanCheckbox
>       id="selectRow"
>       value="#{}"/>
>   </tr:column>
> </tr:table>
> If that doesn't work try partialTriggers="::mytable:selectRow" to try
> to trigger off of the value change event.
> -Andrew
> On 10/26/07, Paul Mander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying get get a table to update itself via PPR on the back of an
>> event
>> source from the header facet of a table column.
>> <tr:table var="row" id="mytable" value="#{listBean.items}"
>> partialTriggers="myselection">
>>      <tr:column>
>>          <f:facet name="header"  headerText="Select">
>>               <tr:selectBooleanCheckbox label="Select All"
>> autoSubmit="true"
>> id="myselection"  valueChangeListener="#{listBean.selectAll}" />
>>          </f:facet>
>>          <tr:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectRow" value="#{}"/>
>>      </tr:column>
>> </tr:table>
>> The problem appears to be that the real id of the input in the header is
>> "mytable:myselection". I can get this working by setting the partial
>> triggers on the table to this value. I am then relying on the way that
>> trinidad/myfaces generates id's for components. Should I be doing this?
>> --
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