Why you just don't exclude "login" page from being processed by you
"is session live" filter?

2007/10/30, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ---- Arvind Pandey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> >          In my appln we have kept session time out as 2 minutes.
> > once we go to login page , an unknown session gets created for that page.
> > But I stay on the login page for more than 2 minutes without doing anything.
> > Then I enter username and password and press the login button. But till then
> > session has been expired and new session gets created and hence It comes
> > again to
> > the same login page through the filter we have written. From user point of
> > view it seems
> > as if user name and password fields gets cleared on click of login button.
> >
> >          I want to keep session time out as 2 minutes for the applcation but
> > for login page
> > it should be something infinite so that it will not look like as all the
> > fields have
> > been cleared.
> >
> >         Please suggest some soln for this particular scenario.
> Two minutes seems extremely short for a session timeout. I think you'll 
> regularly have users spending more time on filling out a page than that.
> However, no matter what the timeout, this is a common problem. The solution 
> I've used before is to have either a frame or javascript periodically request 
> a trivial page from the server. This keeps the session alive while that page 
> is displayed in the user's browser.
> The javascript solution uses the "setTimer" method, plus XmlHttpRequest to 
> fetch a "ping" page from the server every 60 seconds or so.
> Or an invisible frame can use the <meta> tag to refresh itself from a "ping" 
> page on the server.
> For the login page, it is also possible to use javascript to force a redirect 
> to a different page after a short period of time (less than the session 
> timeout). This other page says "please click here to login" and takes the 
> user to the login page. It is therefore certain that the session has not 
> timed out when login occurs. This approach only works for a login page though.
> Regards,
> Simon

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