yes, i solved this, using 2 form one for the jscookmenu and other for the

On 10/31/07, Francisco Passos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good morning to all.
> I've come to realize the following in an application using t:jsCookMenu
> and Trinidad's PPR.
> The menu always works properly, except if the last interaction with the
> web app was a PPR request. In this case, selecting an option from the menu
> does not send the user where intended, but instead a full page refresh of
> the current page takes place. A second click (in the newly refreshed page)
> always seems to work, but nevertheless now the last request is no longer a
> PPR one.
> Has anyone experienced this or has any idea what might be causing it?
> More info: I'm using Trinidad 1.0.1 and Tomahawk 1.1.6 and have attempted
> to migrate to Trinidad 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, but gave up on that because PPR
> ceases to work on my app.
> Thank you,
> Francisco

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