try the t:dataList and report the findings, ppl have found it to be less buggy.

On Oct 31, 2007 12:16 PM, Dan Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a tr:iterator iterating over an arrayList of charts in my backing
> bean.  The chart variable returned is null though, causing errors in the
> tr:chart tag.  I've checked the arrayList of charts on the backing bean side
> and they are not null.  Am I missing something or do charts not work well
> with tr:iterator?
> The charts in the arrayList extend
> org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChartModel and I have been able to use the
> chart tag outside of an iterator with a single chart, but I would like to be
> able to iterate over a list.
> I am using trinidad 1.0.2
> <tr:iterator var="chart" value="#{displayBean.summaryCharts}">
> <tr:chart value="#{chart}" binding="#{chart.component}"
> XMajorGridLineCount="6" YMajorGridLineCount="6"
> inlineStyle="width:200px; height:200px; background-color:white;"
> gradientsUsed="false"
> legendPosition="none" perspective="false" type="verticalBar"
> animationDuration="0"
> rendered="true" templateSource="/styles/TrinidadChartTemplate.svg">
>  </tr:chart>
> </tr:iterator>

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