I've found a serious bug in tr:chooseDate bug. It has something to do with day light saving.
1. scenario:
<tr:inputDate value="#{myBean.date}" >
   <tr:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm" />
   <tr:chooseDate />

time-zone in trinidad-config.xml doesn't matter.

inital value for myBean.date is null.

1. select:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "18.08.2007 18:38"  (18:38 is client browser time)
2. select again:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "18.08.2007 17:37"  (18:38 is client browser time)
3. select again:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "18.08.2007 16:36"  (18:38 is client browser time)
4. select again:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "18.08.2007 15:35"  (18:39 is client browser time)

2. scenario:
<tr:inputDate value="#{myBean.date}" >
   <tr:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" />
   <tr:chooseDate />

inital value for myBean.date is null.

1. select:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "18.08.2007"
2. select again:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "17.08.2007"
3. select again:  18. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "17.08.2007"
4. select again:  17. August 2007 on date picker
displayed date is "16.08.2007"

I don't know for you guys, but this is a nightmare for me and I don't have any clue how to fix this issue.

My server timezone is Europe/Zagreb. Setting <time-zone>Europe/Zagreb</time-zone> in trinidad-config.xml or leaving without time-zone setting doesn't make any difference.

Any known workaround for this problem?


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