
On Nov 23, 2007 9:43 AM, daniel ccss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a simple question
> I have been working with myfaces-tomahawk for 6 months, great, but I
> have a question, how to call an 'action' from the backing bean, until
> today I have called all my action methods from the JSP page, on the
> onClick, onChange, etc events, but now I need to call an action from
> another method in my backing bean.
> I have an init method in my backing bean that ask if the user is in
> session, if yes all the load of the combos etc is make, if not I need
> to call a method that returns to the login page by returning the
> navigation rule like this:
> //init
> {
>      if(userInSession){
>         do the load of the controls
>      }else{
>         returnToLogin();
>      }
> }
> private String returnToLogin(){
>       return "login";
> }
> and in faces-config.xml i have the navigation rule:
> <navigation-rule>
>   <from-view-id>....
>   <navigation-case>
>    <from-outcome>login</from-outcome>
>    <to-view-id>/JSP/Login.jsp</to-view-id>
>   </navigation-case>
> ....
> But nothing happens, this type of call can be done?, or only I can
> call an action that returns to a navigation rule from the JSP, if so,
> how can I send the person to the login page in case he copy the url in
> the browser and never pass for the login page.
> Thanks all

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