
 I am really worried because I am trying to implement a simple file upload
in my application and I cannot manage to do it if I use Facelets and

Here: http://sback.it/jsfupload.war you find the little test application. 

I tried it without Facelets and it works perfectly, on the other side, when
I use facelets this part doesn't work:

[see file MyForm.xhtml, for the whole view]

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";

<h:form id="MyForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" >

    <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message"/>

    <h:panelGrid columns="3" border="0" cellspacing="5">

        <h:outputLabel for="myFileId" value="File: "/>

        <t:inputFileUpload id="myFileId"




        <h:message for="myFileId"/>


        <h:commandButton value="Submit"

        <h:outputText value=" "/>




the attribute -enctype="multipart/form-data"- prevents the commandButton
action to be correctly perfomed. What I get is the form redisplaying without
any action on the bean.
If I remove the -enctype- attribute then the action is executed, but the
#{myBean.myFile} is not correctly filled with the file.

I searched for a solution for the whole afternoon, but without results.

I am using facelets 1.1.3 + jboss 4.0.5.GA + myfaces 1.1.5 + tomahawk 1.1.6
+ http://code.google.com/p/tomahawk-facelets/

Could you please help me! I am really worried for this problem :(

Thank you very much

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