Hi ole,

what form are you using? h:form or s:form? If you are using h:form,
then you'll be working against:

In any case, you are right, they stem from the same source in:


- you should only need to change this, do a full maven build, and this
should take on your changes. The problem might however be that the
pom.xml of MyFaces impl is referring to an old version of shared, so
you might need to upgrade this to the snapshot version so that you
actually see your changes when you do the build.



On 12/17/07, Ole Ersoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to hack the HtmlFormRenderer.  It's contained in
> org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html...but appears to be moved to
> org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.html during the build.
> I tried commenting out all of encodeBegin.  Then I deleted the myfaces
> directory in my maven repository.  Then rebuilt.  Then redeployed the
> testing application, and maven only downloaded non-shared resources, so I'm
> certain that I'm changing the right dependency.  The forms are still
> rendering though.  When I do a find on HtmlFormRendererBase the following
> shows up:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] myfaces-shared-core-3_0_0]$ find . -name 
> HtmlFormRendererBase.java
> ./shared-impl/target/refactored-shared-sources/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared_impl/renderkit/html/HtmlFormRendererBase.java
> ./core/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/HtmlFormRendererBase.java
> ./shared-tomahawk/target/refactored-shared-sources/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared_tomahawk/renderkit/html/HtmlFormRendererBase.java
> So it seems like there is only one HtmlFormRenderBase to be changed, since
> the second one is the first one, and the Tomahawk one is not being used by
> the HtmlFormRenderer.  Ideas?
> TIA,
> - Ole



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