Use a tomahawk dataList component. It is able to store in a request scoped bean the "current" iteration value.

your layout would be
 datalist -> iterate over table list
     datatable -> iterate over element of current table

pelican a écrit :

I want to display two levels of tables using JSF.

For example, my first enquiry on header data returns three records (A, B, C). I want to display in the first table as three rows (ie. A, B, C). This is ok.

From the above result, I will run another enquiry supplying each of the values {A, B, C} and display the results in the individual tables. In this case another three tables, first for A (may have 10 records returned), another for B (may have 2 reocrds), and then for C (may have 4 records).

I know how to use the <h:dataTable> for the first table. But how can I supply back the results of that to supply as parameter for next query and display the results as many tables?

I am using Tomcat 6.0.14 and for JSF RI 1.2.0_07 (or) myFaces 1.2.1-Snapshot.

Kindly guide me to get the solution. Thanking in advance.


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