The best solution is ask for permission to use myfaces AddResource code into
your component code.
The resource handling will be standardized in JSF 2.0 (I think).

2008/1/11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>  Hi,
> I've written a custom component that requires some Javascript. I have the
> js in an external file but I was hoping to have it included in the tag, kind
> of like the myfaces tags do. I tried using the AddResource class, basically
> looked at the myfaces source and tried to do the same thing, but it fails on
> the component validation. It checks if the package starts with
> org.apache.myfaces.custom… or something like that. I can't really get past
> that unless if I want to rebuild myfaces. Is there a way to get this to work
> externally? Or is there a way to do this I don't know about. For now I have
> to just manually include the script in the JSP pages. This will work, but it
> can lead to complication if someone else is using the tag and neglects to
> add the javascript.
> Thanks
> Matt

Yours truly (Atenciosamente),

Rogério (_rogerio_)

"Faça a diferença! Ajude o seu país a crescer, não retenha conhecimento,
distribua e aprenda mais." (

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