David, Simon

Thank's for your responses.

As i have to create the <myTag:display/> tag, i think it will be easier to 
catch this tag in the myForm.myText method and to create the display I want.
I don't like it a lot, but it seems to be the easiest way...



>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: 15 January 2008 15:54
>To: MyFaces Discussion
>Subject: Re: Recursive tag evaluation
>It's not possible, mainly because the notion of tag is independant to 
>JSF. JSF is a component handler. JSP tags are used to create the 
>component tree. When your bean evaluation is done, the 
>component tree is 
>already build and the notion of tag is then irrelevant. 
>However, if you 
>have alternatives. One for example, would be to use at that point 
>FacesContext.getCurrentInstace(). From it, you create a component and 
>ask it to do it's rendering. However this is best done in a custom 
>component (component delegating work to another component). Another 
>solution could be to use servlet api to get another page to 
>render to an 
>internal string, and have that string returned by your component.
>En l'instant précis du 15/01/08 15:14, AMIR-TAHMASSEB Marc s'exprimait 
>en ces termes:
>> Hi everybody,
>> Does anybody know how I can evaluate the result of a tag evaluation ?
>> Here is my problem : 
>> In my jsp I do this :
>> <h:outputText value="#{myForm.myText}" escape="false" />
>> In myForm bean i have :
>> public String getMyText() {
>>     return "<myTag:display/>";
>> }
>> And myTag.display refer to a tag that i wrote and that for example
>> return a string like "something"
>> My problem is that the second tag is not evaluated and that 
>i have the
>> string '<myTag:display/>' in my JSP.
>> I hope someone has a solution,
>> regards,
>> PS : sorry for the first incomplete email :-p
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