Safer bet is to call ViewHandler.getActionURL passing in your viewId followed by ExternalContext.encodeActionURL. With bridges prior to the JSR 301 bridge you may have problems adding/retaining the extra QS params you want to add (namely PARAM_ITEMID, PARAM_ITEMTYPE). With the 301 bridge you can either add these QS params directly to the viewId passed to getActionURL or you can add them to the URL returned by getActionURL before calling encodeActionURL.

Martin Goldhahn wrote:
I need to render some text containing links i a JSF component. I
cannot render a full commandLink element, since the data comes from a
content management system and the contract allows me to only modify
the href attribute of the anker element. The whole thing runs under
Liferay, a portlet container.

The solution I came up with is:
- declare a outputText element in the jsp and use its binding
attribute to create my own UIComponent.
- my UIComponent renders its children (getRendersChildren returns true)
- override encodeChildren and output the text while modifying the href
attribute of the href tokens.

I can click the link in the rendered page but the lifecycle gets
somehow distorted, because the viewrott is not restored properly, i.e.
The RestoreViewExecutor cannot restore the view. T
he result is that the lifecycle is interrupted and the request doesn't
get through to the "Invoke Application" phase.

Here is how I create the action link: ( the code is mostly copied from

    String viewId = "/article/article.jsp";
    if (PortletUtil.isRenderResponse(context)) {
      RenderResponse response =
      PortletURL url = response.createActionURL();
      url.setParameter(MyFacesGenericPortlet.VIEW_ID, viewId);
      url.setParameter(PARAM_ITEMID, hrefToken.getLinkData());
      url.setParameter(PARAM_ITEMTYPE, hrefToken.getLinkType().toString());
      return url.toString() + '#';

Is there a better way of generating an action url. This implementation
has a hard-coded navigation and is so ugly. There must be a better

Any ideas are much appreciated.


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