---- Jed Smallwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm a bit new to Tomahawk Sandbox components and they seem pretty useful, at
> least in the examples that I see on the irian.at web site.  Unfortunately
> I'm having a hard time figuring out how to interact with he tags from a
> backing bean perspective.  I'm assuming that when these components are
> promoted to Tomahawk that corresponding documentation will be made
> available.  To that end I'm curious if there is any defined promotion
> schedule for these various components into Tomahawk.  I fully understand
> that Sandbox will never be "released", but I do see (browsing some of the
> mail archives) that something causes certain components in Sandbox to be
> promoted into Tomahawk proper?
> I'm particularly interested in the following components:
>    - pprPanelGroup
>    - accordianPanel
>    - inputSuggestAJAX
>    - tableSuggestAJAX
>    - fishEyeNavigationMenu
> Do these components have any promotion plans or are they just still a "work
> in progress" and will be promoted when they are done... whenever that is?

There are a number of components that really should be promoted; the ppr stuff 
at least would seem to be in that category, and subforms too. I don't know 
specifically about the other components you list.

It just needs someone with enough time to double-check them and then do the 
work of moving the code. There is no specific schedule. However having users of 
a component who are willing to test it makes promotion from sandbox to trunk 
much more likely!

Things have been busy in myfaces-land recently. Trinidad has just had a 
release. A new version of myfaces core 1.2 should be out *very* soon, and then 
hopefully a new version of core 1.1 will follow in the near future. The myfaces 
build-tools are being reworked and should be available soon (internal project). 
After that, hopefully Tomahawk will be next on the list for some attention, ie 
in a month or so. I will certainly try to allocate some time to Tomahawk around 
then, and promoting sandbox components is a good idea.


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