Javascript = Client side
ActionListeners / Actions = Server Side

So, answer is "no", you can't synchronize a javascript with a server code. It's alwasy javascript onclick, followed by an http method call (which will trigger all JSF stuffs)
bansi a écrit :
I have a requirement where i wanna execute both Method Binding and JavaScript
Code at the same time using JSF h:commandButton.

The Javascript will open a popup while MethodBinding will set the values in
Backing Bean

Here is the snippet
<h:commandButton id="findContact" value="Manage Contacts" immediate="true"
onmousedown="createPopUp('contactLookup','find')" onclick="return false" image="/images/contacts.gif" border="0"
alt="Click here to Manage Contacts"
         <f:attribute name="formName" value="deviceForm" />
        <f:attribute name="fieldName" value="contact" />

Any pointers/suggestions will be highly appreciated

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