Hello Bill,

The following should work:

<tr:navigationPane hint="tabs" styleClass="MyClass">
  <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Home" />
  <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Bills" />
  <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Service History" />

.MyClass af|navigationPane::tabs-inactive af|navigationPane::tabs-mid A
  font-weight: bold;


af|navigationPane.MyClass::tabs-inactive af|navigationPane::tabs-mid A
  font-weight: bold;

The best way to know on what element the style class should be put is by
using Firebug.


~ Simon

On Feb 5, 2008 11:55 AM, Zigc Junk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you be more specific? Assume that I have the following navigationPane,
> how can I create a skin that is ONLY applied to this navigationPane.
>       <tr:navigationPane hint="tabs">
>         <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Home" />
>         <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Bills" />
>         <tr:commandNavigationItem text="Service History" />
>       </tr:navigationPane>
> Here is one piece of the skin I created
> af|navigationPane::tabs-inactive af|navigationPane::tabs-mid A {
>   font-weight: bold;
> }
> Thanks
> Bill
> On Feb 5, 2008 10:33 AM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Zigc Junk wrote:
> > > I am trying to skin the navigationPane. Since I have two
> > > navigationPane (tabs) instances (one top menu and one secondary menu),
> > > I want to put a different skin on each of them. It seems to me that
> > > there is no way of doing that. I can only create one skin which will
> > > be applied to all navigationPane instances. Does anyone know how to do
> > > this?
> > >
> > > thanks
> > >
> > > Bill
> > Use a compound key.  If the second navigation pane is embedded in the
> > first one, the key for the second pane might look something like this:
> >
> > af|navigationPane-tabs::tab:selected af|navigationPane-tabs::tab-content
> >
> >
> >

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