And again...

Browser hacks don't help with skinning icons! Which isn't too surprising
you consider how icon skinning things are treated...

For example I have the following:

/* This looks fine in IE6 but not in FF2. In FF2 "margin-top: -12px" would
    have been appropriate. Note: @agent doesn't work for icons... */
af|inputDate::launch-icon {
        content: url(/css/images/dateInput.gif);
        margin-top: -3px;
        margin-left: -9px;

Those settings don't end up in the generated .css files but in the rendered
pages  source code :


Thus, whatever browser hack you might try (e.g. "* html
af|inputDate::launch-icon ...)
- and which well makes it to the generated .css - is overwritten by the
style-attribute :-(

Has anyone have any clue how to skin icons for different browsers currently?

Thanks, Carsten

Carsten Pieper wrote:
> Myself back again,
> some new knowledge on the topic:
> I tested the browser hacks on a global selector (.AFDefaultFont:alias).
> For
> those, the hacks didn't work as I reported in my first posting.
> I jsut noticed today, that on "normal" selectors, they're working fine.
> Example:
> * html af|panelHeader::level-one {
>       color: magenta;
> }
> Et voilĂ , a magenta colored heading text appears in IE6.
> Further investigation showed, that the appearance of the ":alias" 
> pseudo-class breaks the browser hacks. It's not only a problem of those
> global selectors (see
> but of one's own :alias stuff as well...
> The bottom line is, that those browser hacks have to be introduced on
> "feature level". 
> A question to the experts: Has this been done purposely or unconsciously?
> Should this
> behaviour be changed? Or do you feel it shouldn't be touched as browser
> hacks won't be
> needed anymore once
> (@platform 
> support for skinning icons) and
> (Add agent version support in skinning) are resolved?
> Thanks, Carsten
> Carsten Pieper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in some cases the nice @agent feature can't help your skinning efforts
>> for
>> different browsers, for example if you want to 
>> differentiate between different versions of Internet Explorer (see this
>> thread:
>> or if you want to skin icons (see
>> section Skinning CSS features).
>> In these cases, I planned to fall back on those nasty browser hacks but
>> they seem to
>> be ignored by the Trinidad skinning (I'm on Trinidad 1.0.5), i.e. I can't
>> see any
>> effects (neither in the rendered pages nor in the generated CSS). 
>> I tried the "star html hack" (to include CSS in IE <= 6)
>>     * html .mySelector {...}
>>  as well as the "negation pseudo class hack" (to exclude CSS from IE)
>>      html:not([dummy]) .mySelector {...}
>> In the above mentioned forum thread Sven gave an example for  
>> star html hack usage in a Trinidad style sheet 
>> (
>> I tried the CSS snippet given there, too, but to no avail...
>> To give another simple example. Assume that I might want my default font
>> size to
>> be bigger in IE (no, I don't really want that, just to keep the example 
>> simple; in reality I want to skin icons...)
>> /* general setting */
>> .AFDefaultFont:alias {font-size: 12px;}
>> /* make it bigger for IE */
>> @agent ie {
>>      .AFDefaultFont:alias {font-size: 15px;}
>> }
>> This works fine, as described in the Developer's Guide. However, if I 
>> replace the @agent with the star html hack I see no effects:
>> /* the star html hack, doesn't work for me here */
>> * html .AFDefaultFont:alias {
>>         font-size: 15px;
>> }
>> Do you have any ideas? Any hint appreciated!
>> Thanks, Carsten

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