---- Michael Heinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> I noticed today strange behavior if I change the loglevel for myfaces.
> Some getters of my backing beans are called although the rendered
> attribute of a parent component is false.
> It is caused by class DebugUtils.traceView.
> I enabled logging via following setting:
> log4j.logger.org.apache.myfaces=DEBUG

Yep, that will happen. The DebugUtils class is explicitly trying to dump out a 
helpful list of all the components and all their settings. And to do that, it 
has to call the getters for the attributes.

> Lazy initialization etc are done, model is not fully initialized and
> other ugly sideeffects occur ...

I don't see why invoking attribute getters should break an application.

But you can always disable just this functionality while leaving other 
debugging enabled:


BTW, log4j xml configuration is much nicer than props syntax..

Regards, Simon

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