>  > Is there a way to make the inputText writable when it gets its value
>  > from an EL expression ?
>  If the component is editable, but there is no setter for the component
>  to store its new value into during postback, then what should it do?
>  In your example, there is no way that any data entered by the used can
>  be written back to "fn:join(somevar)", so any user data entered would
>  have to be thrown away on postback. Therefore when there is no setter
>  method, the *only* sane thing to do is make the component non-editable
>  or disabled.

that's why Trinidad's EditableValueRenderer (a base class) has an extra check
against the EL, if it is read-only. Standard JSF doesn't do that.


>  Maybe what you are asking is for the component to be *disabled* rather
>  than *read-only*? That would seem to be reasonable..but how can a
>  "writable" field possibly be useful here?
>  Regards, Simon

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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