I tried to use the skinning support for Buttons to render a rounded corner
button, but some how I could not get it working..

I thought Oracle donated the Complete skin from ADF to Trinidad...
But now I'm getting doubts... correct me if I'm wrong..

These are style selectors I'm using for creating a custom buttton...

/** BUTTON STYLES. Notice the right to left icons are specified with the
:rtl pseudo-class. If :rtl icons are not specified, we default to non-:rtl
icons. **/

/** use this to color the button background and text **/
/* bg-color: bluish; color: deep blue */
.AFButtonServerText:alias {background-color:#5A9CC6; color:#25009E}
/* antialias the text for our disabled buttons */
.AFButtonServerTextDisabled:alias {background-color:#F0F0F0;

/** This is how you can customize the look and feel of ADF Faces buttons */

/* Disabled for now - example button images temporarily stored in
.AFButtonStartIcon:alias {content:url(/skins/images/btnStart.gif);
width:7px; height:18px}
.AFButtonStartIcon:alias:rtl {content:url(/skins/images/btnEnd.gif);
width:7px; height:18px}

.AFButtonEndIcon:alias {content:url(/skins//images/btnEnd.gif); width:7px;
.AFButtonEndIcon:alias:rtl {content:url(/skins//images/btnStart.gif);
width:7px; height:18px}

.AFButtonTopBackgroundIcon:alias {content:url(/skins/images/btnTop-bg.gif);
width:1px; height:2px}
.AFButtonTopBackgroundIcon:alias:rtl {content:url(/skins//images/btnTop-
bg.gif); width:1px; height:2px}

.AFButtonBottomBackgroundIcon:alias {content:url(/skins//images/btnBottom-
bg.gif); width:1px; height:2px}
{content:url(/skins/images/btnBottom-bg.gif); width:1px; height:2px}

{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledStart.gif); width:7px; height:18px}
{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledEnd.gif); width:7px; height:18px}
{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledEnd.gif); width:7px; height:18px}
{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledStart.gif); width:7px; height:18px}

{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledTop-bg.gif); width:1px; height:2px}

{content:url(/skins/images/btnDisabledBottom-bg.gif); width:1px; height:2px}

Have the Style classes changed for trinidad, I still see a lot of Skin
selectors being the same as for ADF..

But why the button is  not being created with the new images....?

Hope to get a solution from you,



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