Hi Curtiss,

I don't think Bernhard ever got around to commit something which works
based on the discussion he had with Paul. Do you have a patch which
takes this into consideration?

@Bernhard: please, if you can spare a few hours, it would be great if
you could close this out...



On 2/25/08, Curtiss Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stas,
> I'm not a MyFaces developer, but I believe this is a legitimate, major
> issue. I was able to reproduce this problem and what's happening is
> MyFaces is creating the bean, doing resource injection, calling the
> @PostConstruct method, and _then_ injecting managed properties. The
> article you linked makes it very clear that MyFaces needs to create the
> bean, perform resource AND managed property injection, and then call the
> @PostConstruct method:
> "But the flow within the JSF 1.2 RI for instantiating managed beans is
> as follows:
> 1. New the bean declared using the default constructor
> 2. Inject any |@Resource| declarations
> 3. Assign any managed-properties declared, cascading this process if
> new beans are referenced
> 4. Call |@PostConstruct| on the bean if declared
> 5. Store the bean in the correct scope and return"
> I have a working patch for this problem if one of the devs would like to
> weigh in with their opinion about opening a JIRA issue for this problem
> I'd be happy to provide it.
> Curtiss Howard
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