Hi all, I´m using JSF Tomahawk and ajax, but something happens.
I have a <t:inputText that is where the user enters the ID of a person and next to that input I have a <t:commanLink for search the info of the person after the id is typed. Also in that same form, i have some <h:selectOneMenu controls that uses ajax to fill one from other, for example if the value of the <h:selectOneMenu1 changes it changes the values of the <h:selectOneMenu2 using Ajax: <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{PatientBean.updateCountry}" reRender="*cities*" /> .... This is the problem, for some reason if I typed the id of the user and click on the <t:commandLink nothing happens, then I put an <h:messages to see what was going on and I recived a message that says that the *cities *variable was null so the action was never called.... Then I select the values of the <h:selectOneMenu1 and then select the value <h:selectOneMenu2 and then I enter the ID int the input and click the <t:commanLink and the action of the backing bean was called sucesfully, but because the cities variable was not null... Then to try to resolve the problem I put an inmediate="true" attribute in the <t:commanLink. Then I enter ther person ID and then I click <t:commanLink and it calls the method of the backing bean, but the ID comes empty... What is going on?? Why I have to fill the <h:selectOneMenus first to then call the action, I not use a requiered attribute for them?? Why the inmediate="true" works but the <t:inputText is null?? All works if I first fill the <h:selectOneMenu that uses ajax and are in an ajax:region and then call the action method, but don´t need that, I can first search the id if I want and then fill the <h:selectOneMenus. Do anyone knows why this happen and which is the solution? Thanks!! Regards,